Thursday, December 23, 2010

Mama treasured all these things in her heart....

Now I am writing two posts at one time. One has pics and they take forever to load so I am just going to write a new post and post 2. Lately as I have held my boys close I think about the verse that says "and Mary treasured all of these things in her heart." That is how I feel. Treasureing all these sweet moments with my little boys. Because a mama knows, little boys won't always sit on her lap and snuggle. Last night was a relaxing evening. We were supposed to go to the church Christmas play, and we were planning too... right up until 30 min before. I have been battling morning sickness... and yesterday... it turned to evening sickness. So we scratched our plans... and I made a big pot of mac and cheese and called it good. And lest one think it was real... it was not.... it was from a blue box :) Then everyone got in their footie jammies and we watched grinch and wrapped presents in front of the tree. And the big boys fought over who was going sit in my lap. After the show... I got to take a rare bath and read my fave Christmas book.... Shephards Abiding, a Christmas in Mitford with Father Tim. How I love a cozy book.... while I read the boys all wrapped my presents... oh how they know how mommy loves presents.

Gifts are my love language :) Not ashamed of that... cause I love to give too!! I find it hard to stop buying presents... I cannot be one of those who shops all year for people, cause then I would end up with way too many things for people. We also cannot be one of those families that gives 3 presents to their kids because Jesus recieved 3 gifts. Not because I give way more than that... I just would be able to count say a bag of socks as one gift. It would feel like I was lying if I said it was one present and then really it was 5 pairs of socks. I have several friends who are doing this right now, but I just would never be able to say 3 unless it were actually only 3 finite items. In fact, oldest boy is really only getting one toy (but its Legos) so then I would have to say 324 toy peices. Weird, I know.

Then we put the boys to bed. And after they had just fallen asleep... hubs decided it might be fun to go for a coon hunt. (racoon hunt, for those of you who don't speak Sandhills). So we got the boys all up, into their coveralls and loaded in the pickup. We listened to Christmas music and sang, and got hold the cuddly tired baby, and it was just about perfect. And Mama treasured all these things in her heart....The End

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Cookies

Lets establish one thing right now, this is not a crafting blog. Not that anyone thought it might be... lets just clarify. The following are not going to win any awards... but we did have fun... and that was the point! The first pic is all of us... that is pretty much how we look... Crew is actually smiling, mid growl. Baby is eating a cookie.

This was a cookie, I made, that turned out looking quite demonic. I was trying to do a cute reindeer smiling, but instead it morphed into something evil. Oops.

Either its a pic with Crew smiling, or his eyes open, I went with smiling. He was pretty pleased with his chicken, we are big chicken fans around here, we have what I call free ranging chickens wandering the yard.

Clay was pretty pleased with his work.

And here is a pic of Cal, cause I just think he is the cutest baby! So happy.

Dad was in on cookie baking as well...

Or snitching :) Note the 25 lb yellow bag of rice on my table... still not sure how to store that thing!

Cal wants in on the action.

Ah, sweet success. And below is what we look like not 5min later. Stripped down, wrestling and beating each other with wrapping paper swords. Good times!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Good Morning!

I have 30 min before I am supposed to leave for work, so why not update a blog you havn't seen since July?? Well, yesterday I did. But that was super long post... guess thats what you get for posting at 4am. I assure you, it is not 4am now. 8:05. Headed to work, but today I get to hear my babies heartbeat again! I hope. I have a Dr. appt. anyway. Not really sure what the point of these early dr. appts are, but I go anyway just to hear the heartbeat. Last night was a classic night at my house. One child made 2 children bleed. By punching one in the nose, and rocking the other in his highchair so he hit his little teeth on the tray. I love my little blondie, but he is a wild one. He promptly cried and yelled "I don't want spanked." Not that we spank or anything... wonder why he would say that?? ;) He ought to say, "I don't want biblically chastised" cause thats what we practice. In other news Big C (age 6) gathered the eggs last night and reported that he had to break them cause there was "snow" in them. It was such a cute thing to say, cause he doesn't really mistake words much anymore. He wanted to save the snowy eggs for dad to show him and wondered how the snow got in there. Just so you know, if you leave eggs out in 15 degree weather, they freeze. Can you use frozen eggs? In cookies or something? Hmm. Comment if you know. That means you mom!! Alright now I have 18 min to get ready for work and I still have a towel on my head. Happy Tuesday!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Of mice and babies

4am. Why not update your blog that you haven't seen since July at 4am on a Monday morning. I see no good reason not too! I am up with a quiet dark house, save for the Christmas tree. Love that. And a mouse. Don't so much love that. I can hear him prowling around.... don't judge, I live in the country. Mice are practically housepets. If you attempted to kill your housepets daily... which you probably don't. Why am up you ask?? Bc one of my dearest friends just recieved her baby. In China. Which is amazing. The rest of us back here can't hardly the stand the wait... I don't know how she did it for 18 months or so of the adoption process. Which is now over.... and I am sooo glad and happy for her. It has been fun following her in China, she blogs at I love a good adoption blog.

In other news. Its been a big weekend. Friday night we took the kids to a singing Christmas tree performance at a nearby church. The kids did pretty well... I like for them to learn how to sit through and enjoy such things. Then we drove around and looked at Christmas lights which I love. The largest town by us... 25,000 or so 40 min away has this park where they set up Christmas houses. So you drive by slowly and roll your windows down and listen to the music and check out the Christmas houses which have moveable characters in them. Very cute.

Saturday was shopping in a town 1.5 hours away. Because I am pretty sure I can't do Christmas without Target. Any of you who live 5 min away from a Target, you take a moment and say a prayer of thanks for your geographical location. I'll wait. Ok now. Doesn't gratitude feel good? After shopping came a visit to my Grandma's house... which there is nothing better than a trip to granny's. After that, we dropped the kids of at their other granny's and then we went to a card party. Where, frankly my partner and I dominated. Pitch is super fun. And we really only won half of our games... but we won when it counted the most. Ie... we were paired up with the cockiest players of the party. (including my husband who shall remain nameless.)

Sunday would normally involve church, save for the cows. Any excuse I have for missing church, ALWAYS involves livestock. Because unfortunatly, cows still need fed on Sundays. But we got to hang at my MILs house, where she fixed us lunch, which I never mind not cooking on Sunday... so it was all good. We came home, just relaxed and watched Rudolf the Red nosed reindeer while eating popcorn. We love popcorn on a Sunday night.

So that brings us to Monday. Here we are! The start of a brand new busy week. Tonight I get to go learn how to bake bread from one of my fave homemakers. So looking forward to that. I know how to bake bread, and do... but this involves a Bosch. Which is serious. And involves grinding your own wheat, a level of bread baking that I have yet to attain. But that I want to... because my family is expanding. Which brings us to one more paragraph and then I'm done.

We are approx 10 wks 4 days pregnant. I must say it like that, bc I am type A in certain areas. Not a lot mind you... but a few. Because if I said 3 months, that would be giving myself 2 extra weeks and when you hit 3 months you should be past morning sickness, which I am decidely not, thus, I feel the need to say 10wks 4days. Due July 7 which is my oldest childs birthday. And while we are on the subject.... lets talk briefly about what NOT to say to pregnant people. Or at least this one. Since I already have 3 boys.... please do not say...."maybe its a girl" with a hopeful glimmer in your eye. This is extremely hurtful. Every mom of boys has at one point wished for a girl. Every mom of girls has at one point wished for a boy. But sometimes, it just doesn't happen... and to say "I hope you have a girl now" is like saying "a girl would be the best thing that could happen, but I guess if its a boy, thats ok." I want to be excited about my baby. I AM excited about this baby. I LOVE little boys. And big boys. Having another boy is not "less than." And then if you find out the sex and you tell people its another boy... its like "oh, well thats fun too." Even though the look on their face, makes it appear as if a root canal would be more fun. No one needs to point out that it could be a girl.... of course I know that. The. End.

Not really the end, just the end of that soapbox. The unfortuante thing is that basically just my mom reads this, and she already knows how I feel! Anyway. Well, now its 440. Do I go back to bed? Do I just stay up and read the Bible by the light of the tree? I am going to be soo tired by bread baking time... I don't want to miss something key. I will try and come back and post any bread baking tips I learn. Have a great Monday!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010


>What a day! So Tired. Tired must be capatalized. And capatalized must be misspelled. Thats how tired I am. But I wanted to post a few pics for my mama/papa.... so here we go. This was my first "kid party." It feels like a milestone in parenting. When instead of the normal family deal... we invited 24 of our closest friends. And 23 came. And the one called and would have come except she thought it was tomorrow and was currently in Colorado. So I was pretty excited that everyone could come. The more the merrier right?? Than we should have been darn merry! And we were. We played a variety of games most of which I didn't get photographed bc I was busy running the games. Kids were instructed to bring a swimsuit and a squirt gun. When they first got there... they just did what little boys do.

Started squirting each other of course...daddy included.

After the squirt gun war.... which I couldn't take more pics of for fear of getting squirted.... we played a game called human canvsas. I am pretty sure the parents present thought I had lost my mind. I gave them fingerpaints and told them to go ahead and draw on each other. I think it went over pretty well.

I will post some more tomorrow... but right now I am too tired to go on!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

3rd of July

Perhaps this will be post where I learn to add pics. If so... watch out. I may post every hour. Or we may have a rush on posts bc I feel the need to share all my pics from this year. Anyway. Family reunion today. What is soo handy about the family I married into.... is that I have actual friends in the family. Like ones I call, text, go to Bible study with... thus I never mind going to family things.... bc friends are there and its fun! Actually though.... I never minded going to family things anyway... I think they are a good time. Also.... my hubs has some pretty cool sisters... so as long as they are present... fun will be had. Allright.... lets see if I can do these pics.

Yeah!! I did it! Here is baby C3 sleeping his holiday away. Now I am going to try and do some more pics!

This is C2 jumping off the post.... he is yelling "to infinity and beyond"

This is pretty much how everyday goes for me.... lots of wrestling. And if the boys can wrestle their cousins... all the better.

Now if I could just figure out how to crop and make these smaller... we'd be in business.

This is C1 on the carosel... this is from today... but its the same rides we rode on Sunday. They were in heaven getting to ride rides with their cousins.

C2 is pretty sure he is the star of the show.

And the classic 4th of July image.... eating watermelon. Except I love his smile in the first pic... but the second his eyes are open so we have to just go with it.

Then we had a grand finish with a train and some ice cream. Personally... I don't think the train looks like that much fun... but hey. I'm not 3. I love the pic with one of my nearest and dearest frennys. Isn't she pretty?

Allright. Now I am just adding pics because I can. And because fully one half of my followers is my mother.... I know she would love to see pics of the grandkids. Have a happy 4th!

We were trying to get C3 to smile.... he was 5 min before I retrieved the camera. As for when I got the camera... not so much. Come on.... you're almost 3 months old... haven't you learned how to smile on command yet? We'll give him a few more months. With brothers like these... and a cute daddy to hold you... whats not to smile about??

Friday, July 2, 2010

Good evening. Phew. I am one tired mama. I have just had one of those days where you clean literally all day... and in the end it doesn't really look that great because you have been cleaning all day with no time to pick up. If you know what I mean. I washed shower curtains, organized toys, threw away toys, retrieved toys that the boys rescued and threw them away again when they weren't looking, etc. etc. And now I am tired. And I have more laundry. I counted that I would be doing at a minimum 10 loads of laundry today. I think that I have upheld that. If the hubs would get home from irrigating... I would stop cleaning, have a pina colado and chat and fold. Bc I really love chatting and folding and watching the real housewives of New Jersey/New York. My main accomplishment of the day was getting the boys bathroom to not smell of urine. What is it with boys?? I cleaned the whole thing and it still smelled. Then I washed the trash can out... that took care of it. Is this what I have to look forward to for the next 20 years? Ugg.

Allright. That was a really uninteresting paragraph. Urine and curtains. That should be my title. So if someone googles urine they come up to my post. Anyway. Moving on.

Today on a break... I discoved a blog called something like "confessions of a bad mother." You could post what you did that made you a bad mother and it was anonamouys. (who really knows how to spell that word?) Thus... I was thinking of what I would confess. Lets see... here goes.

1. I can count on 1 hand the number of times I have given my baby a bath. He has had a few showers... but we were trying to think of the last time we washed him and we couldn't remember. How bad is that?? So I promptly washed him. PS I lotion his head so he always smells good.

2. My kids use my toothbrush. I can't keep track of thier toothbrushes for anything and thus they just use whoevers is around. And the next part of this... I told one of my dearest friends and I think it changed her opinion of me forever.... my kids squeeze the toothpaste out in a drawer... and after cleaning it up for the thousandth time.... I just started swiping from the pile. I know, thats gross. I wonder if the Frugal Girl would approve?

3. I didn't put sunscreen on my children any time for swimming lessons. And we were out for 2 hours a time. I didn't even think about it! Serioulsy I need to hand over my mom card.

But.... heres the thing. A lot of the confessions weren't like mine. Most were plain awful. One was... "I have 8 children and I never hugged them or told them I loved them." Or, "I have playing with my children, its so boring." "My 15 yr old ran away and I don't want her back." Yikes. I expected light hearted confessions. I wanted to answer each of them. Like go hug your 8 children... what are you waiting for? I don't think I will be visiting that site again. And now I have confessed here so I guess I don't need to!

Shout out to my latest follower. My mom. Note: She could never go to this site because she was/is an amazing mother. She should create a site called "Confessions of an Amazing Mother." How bout it mom? You should totally blog.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Whew. Overwelmed by the upcoming week and weekend.... thus the perfect time to blog. Today I am loading up all 3 boys and heading into town... approx 45 min away to wally world. Must have supplies for a holiday weekend. No doubt it will be fill with NP's finest...thinking of a trip to the park for lunch... but we'll see how generous I am feeling after shopping. On the way it always sounds like a good time idea. Tonight we have our final swimming lesson. Kind of sad about that... I love hanging out at the pool for 2 hours a night. I mainly socialize and watch my kids have fun.... then we go home and they are starving and exhausted. Last night they went to bed by 7:30 and I got a ton of work done after they were asleep. Like folding loads of laundry. Where I discovered my middle child has 15 pairs of jeans. Who needs that many jeans? No wonder I am doing laundry all the time. At swimming C2 stood on the edge of the pool and whipped down his pants to go.... I suppose he thought no one would notice?? I was holding the baby so I jumped up and tried to stop him... but I am not sure that a 3 yr old has the ability to stop in middle. My friends of course thought this was hilarious... I was mortified.

This weekend we have a family reunion on Saturday... which is at a park so that should be fun. Then the 4th of July where we are having people over as well as then going to a bbq. Then next week starts C1's 6th birthday celebration! I am having his first kids party. Which of course involves inviting everyone. I have this thing about leaving people or kids out. I hate it. Which is funny...bc if my kids aren't invited to a party or if just C1 is invited.... I honestly don't care. Its just... as for my house.... I want to be the house where you can bring the little brother who feels left out and he will get a goodie bag. Thus... I currently have approx 20 kids invited. But we are having a pool/squirt gun/water balloon/slip n slide party so I really feel like it doesn't matter how many kids you have. Now I am just praying the weather holds out!

Allright... hopefully it will be a great weekend celebrating the 4th. This is one of my favorite holidays... the decorations are cute... no mad shopping for presents.... and you just gather with friends and family to relax and have fun. So grateful to the military past and present that makes this day possible! Thank you... thank you... THANK YOU!!!!! Shout out to my dad here!!

Monday, June 28, 2010


Two days in a row. I am setting my own personal record right now. Good day here in the heartland. Started off the day picking strawberries out of the world's largest strawberry patch. Ok... not really the world's largest... but it would feel like that to me if I had to be in charge of it. I have the smallest patch and today I told C1 to go pick strawberries... and he was like "there are no strawberries mom." What? And I told he better come up with one and he couldn't. But my dear friend is queen of the strawberries and graciously lets me come pick. So I came home and weeded my garden bc hers was inspirational. PS not going to be planting carrots next year. If I try, please someone stop me.... bc every year I cuss the finding of carrots amongst the weeds. Does anyone have any ideas for how to grow carrots successfully without weeds? The problem is that carrots take a long time to come up and the weeds come up faster. And when I ask does anyone have a solution... I think that is funny bc I have one follower. And I think I have already asked her.

After strawberry picking... comes strawberry processing. I have this great recipe of an old, dear friend Anne. Anne was one of my best friends growing up. Molly and Anne pretty much defined junior high for me. Anne always had the coolest clothes, wore Clinique make up before anyone else did, and introduced me to Teen magazine. And she was nice and pretty and smart. I perhaps could have been smarter if I hadn't spent so much time passing notes instead of paying attention. Remember that? Passing notes instead of texting? I bet kids these days don't even know how to fold a note in a decent triangle fashion. Molly could fold them in the shape of shirt.. she was super cool too. Anyway... made some jam... and I might even enter it in the county fair. I have never entered anything in the county fair... but this year I might. If the jam turns out.

Things I told my children today: "Quit hitting your brother on the head with bread." C2 hitting C1 with a deal of buns. Also had to tell them to get all the gutters out of the pool as while I was fixing lunch... they detached all of the drain pipes from the gutters and had them in the pool.

After berry picking, jam making, and hanging laundry on the line... we went to swim lessons and then I had friend over to sit on the deck and visit. Which will require a whole other post. But a lady at pool had some wise words to share with me. She is a fellow MOB (mother of boys) and we were discussing how to get over wanting a daughter. She said that she prayed about it... and in the end came to the conclusion that God had chosen to bless her with boys. He had not chosen to bless her with girls. And that was that. We don't know why God chooses some blessings for some and some blessings for others... but He is does. Wise words Mrs. Pool Lady.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Music on Blogs

Just did something that I thought I was against. Added a playlist to the blog. Generally they annoy me. But I heard some great songs on a friend's blog and thus had to add some to mine. I am loving this first song. Just heard it for the first time on a blog... and then randomly my mom emailed it to me to listen to it. I love the message. The Loretta Lynn song is just a good description of my life in general! Wonderful Merciful Savior is the song I want played at my funeral. What? You haven't picked out your funeral songs? Wow... how unprepared of you. I am morbid like that. But I love that song!! Had to add some Darius since we just saw him... and I love how descriptive of my life those songs are. Then they are songs that I sing to my children as lullabyes... Baby Mine, and Goodnight my someone. Not my fave version of goodnight my someone... the best is from Music Man... but it will do. Lost in this Moment by Big and Rich... I totally would have played at my wedding if it had been out. Maybe next time. KIDDING. Actually it still reminds me of my wedding. I'll be seeing you is just a beautiful song that always makes me cry. Reminds me of my grandparents. Allright. Pretty sure no one needed an in depth explanation of the songs I chose... but there you go. PS... probably will change my playlist periodically then this post will be obsolete. Although since I only post in spurts... that likely won't happen till next year or something. I can hear the baby stirring...feeding time here on the great plains.

A Nearly Perfect Sunday

Sundays might be my favorite day of the week. They are so peaceful around here. Well... as peaceful as any family of boys gets. I guess its our own brand of peaceful. The great day actually started last night....

Date night. We saw Darius Rucker in concert. So fun. It involved standing at the front of the concert singing and jamming with kids approximately 10 years younger than us. Kids spent the night with grandma... but we did stop and get the baby....C3 can't be away from his mama too long. We came home to a quiet house... and jumped on the trampoline in the moonlight. So beautiful out... I love laying on the tramp and watching the stars.

This morning was church. Always a good time. Well for me at least... I got to hold the sleeping baby.... Hubs was in charge of C2 who... is 3 and does not so much sit in church very well. We went out to eat at a new Mexican restaurant. Yumm. We are huge mexican food fans. The boys had horchata which might be the best horchata I've ever had. After lunch... we went to Cody Park which has these little rides for young kids. And they are cheap... and they serve the best ice cream. It really is good old fashioned fun. We rode the carousel 3 times.... leading dad to ask the question... why do little boys like to ride the carousel when we have real horses to ride at home? I sort of feel sorry for the man... not recognizing the joy of amusement park rides.

Tomorrow begins my final week of maternity leave from work... I am soo loving all my free time. Will be happy to get back to my job... 2 days a week only. So hopefully I will still feel like I have a lot of time at home. This week we have swimming lessons, summer reading program at the library, I need to plan C1's birthday party... and get ready for the 4th of July. One of my favorite holidays. It will involve a parade, homemade ice cream, fireworks and friends. Good times!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Goodness and Mercy

Funny to me how the cursor lands in the title spot. Ummm.... no post yet.... how can I start with a title? Maybe thats just me. So in an ongoing effort to actually blog... here I am again. Mostly because the laundry just buzzed done, and 2/3 boys are sleeping and 1/3 boys are with their dad... and thus while I should be running like crazy to get things done... I am fiddling with blog backgrounds. And I am NOT loving the larger than life sunflower that is about to come out of the blog and eat you. Yikes. But since I really don't have that much time... its going to stay. And PS since the background was called "Loving Lindsey" and Lindsey was even spelled correctly I thought it was a good omen to try it. But since at the moment I am not Loving Lindsey and I don't even believe in omens I shouldn't have gone with that. Bummer. But... shabbyblogs has some great backgrounds and thus I believe I will find one. Anyway. If I stopped now I could title this, Worlds Most uninteresting/hateful blog entry. Better keep going.

Today has been a wonderful day. On several levels. One which involved a tearful/joyful phone call. Ever have a phone call that you know is going to change someone's life? This was one of those. Can't quit praising God for his Goodness and Mercy. Both of which are now proper nouns apparently. But I am amazed. In a good way. In a way that I am not yet free to elaborate on.

Also a good day.... because my MIL came over and weeded my garden. Without me. Again... unmerited grace and favor from the Lord, through my MIL. I can now look out my window and see by beans and marigolds and zinnas in all their beauty. And if I could upload pics... I would. Right here. But I haven't even mastered the background... so that will have to wait.

Third happiness of the day.... date night. With my dear sweet husband. Yeah!! We are going to a concert at an event in a nearby ( 45 miles) town called NebraskaLand Days. Last weekend it was rodeos (we went... so fun) and this weekend it is concerts. There will be many people there and I love waundering around chatting with people you don't see too often. And fun country music. And really there is nothing better than country music in the summer. Unless its fun country music in the background, sipping rhubarb slush with your bff on the deck... thats pretty good too. Actually... I just love summer and all of its fun actitivies. I didn't growing up... I actually hated summer in Arizona. Now I see the joy in the swimming lessons, the tball, the gardening... all of it has been so awesome this year... I have been soaking it in.

4th... and last happiness of the day. 3 boys. Hubs has decided that since I believe to be from the movie 7 brides for 7 brothers..... that we are actually now going to supply all seven brothers for 7 lucky brides. We'll have to see about that. But as I was holding my newest addition this week C3..... I coudn't stop the tears from flowing... he was just gazing at me smiling... and I was completely in love. As I am with all of them. All 4 really. Everyday am continually amazed by the Lord's grace in my life. If we choose to follow Him...... abundent life will follow. Maybe not the way we imagined.... but oh so much more.

Surely Goodness and Mercy will follow me all the days of my life....

Sunday, March 21, 2010

More Blogging?

Hmmm.... Well now that I am back at it... might as write a new post today too. Even though I have nothing to say... which is probably ok since probably no one is reading this anymore. Its just good practice for me to get in the groove. We just got back from church.... Little C is napping and Big C is out tagging calves with his daddy. Last year.. this day was our biggest calving day so we shall see if this year follows suit. I cannot begin to describe the absolute yumminess of Spring arriving after a long Nebraska winter. Today it is about 55 degrees.... plenty warm enough for short sleeves shirts. We had fellowship dinner after church.... and the kids were playing outside on the teetertotter and merry go round and swing. All that was missing was long praire skirts and I swear to you it could have been 100 yrs ago. I was telling my hubs this morning... that one of the things I love about living in the country is the wholesomeness of it all. Yes we have TV and internet. But for the most part... our kids go with their dad to fix fence, check cows, ride horses... and they are getting to have the childhood that is written about, but rarely seen anymore. How blessed they are! As for me.... I still have to fight missing the city fun things... eating out, shopping, Ikea etc... at least I get to visit once in awhile. Allright... as I said not too much to say. I am going to use this time while the boys are out to quick tidy up the house, then its off to grandma's to retrieve more furniture for the babies room. Almost have everything I need. Good thing... because we are down to 6 more weeks!!!! Yeah!!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Most Pathetic Blogger Ever

Hmmm..... noting that it has been a year since I have updated this. What? A whole year has gone by?? Ugg and so much happens. Oh well... here I am again. A friend started a blog.... and it has inspired me to get back going... thus here I am. I really need to learn how to get a cute background. Everyone has cute background... .so I am thinking that it can't be that hard. Also... we have a new computer... and so I need to learn how to download photos on to it... and thus make the blog more interesting. Cause who wants to just read me rambling? Ummm... pretty sure no one. Or at least my ONE follower doesn't. And my one follower is probably my sister.

Right now I am supposed to be cleaning my basement. Hence the reason I am updating something from so long ago. I went down to the basement. I made cute labels for the basement. I hung them up on the proper shelves.... and then I found a book copyright 1976 and decided I should read it instead. And its not even good. So then I came upstairs where I have snacked on choco chips, PB, and some nilla wafers. Ahh... 8months pregnant is a good time. I hear the boys playing in the basement. I need to go sort baby clothes and put to use all the labels I have made... but alas... I am literally stuck to this chair. Allright... I am going to set my timer and just work 15 min and see how much I can get done. Getting anything done at alll will be better nothing.