Monday, March 10, 2008

Train up a child....

Train up a child in the way he should go.... and when he is old he will not poop in the yard. I do realize this is not an exact quote of the proverb.... but it was fitting for today. My little 3.5 yr old has decided it is much funner to go in the yard as opposed to the potty. Today.... again I saw him squatting in the yard.... actually he doesn't go in the actual yard... he goes out in the "tall grass" with the dogs no less... a fact which he is proud of. So I head out to the yard to AGAIN tell him to go in the house and he is like mommy, I don't always go in the yard... I mostly go behind the tree. The thanks for this wise teaching can go to Ken.... who directs him to go number one behind a tree because for awhile there he was just busting it all out in the driveway, yard, parking lot etc. Anyway.... if you get grossed out you may want to quit reading... but in the spirit of being honest I shall continue with life with a 3 yr old boy.... so we get to behind the tree and it is clear that perhaps my dear son has not used a potty all week. Maybe 2 weeks. The evidense is right there. He thinks this is very clever and hilarious. I wonder.... how long will he do this? They say no one wears diapers to kindergarten.... but is this because they all freely go in the playground? On the upside he hasn't had an accident in a long time..... But I woundn't recommend a stoll through my yard in bare feet :)


Linny Jane Vintage said...

Oh wow. That little boy. What a cutey. When you go for walks do you take a plastic bag with you in case he goes in someone's yard like those obnoxious dog owners?

JCY said...

Is taking a dump in the backyard frowned upon in Nebraska? If that's wrong, I don't wanna be right!!

Good thing you wear crocks around... they are easily cleaned and sanitized.. not that I own a pair. I would look like the homo PI doing a stake-out in crocks.