Good evening. Phew. I am one tired mama. I have just had one of those days where you clean literally all day... and in the end it doesn't really look that great because you have been cleaning all day with no time to pick up. If you know what I mean. I washed shower curtains, organized toys, threw away toys, retrieved toys that the boys rescued and threw them away again when they weren't looking, etc. etc. And now I am tired. And I have more laundry. I counted that I would be doing at a minimum 10 loads of laundry today. I think that I have upheld that. If the hubs would get home from irrigating... I would stop cleaning, have a pina colado and chat and fold. Bc I really love chatting and folding and watching the real housewives of New Jersey/New York. My main accomplishment of the day was getting the boys bathroom to not smell of urine. What is it with boys?? I cleaned the whole thing and it still smelled. Then I washed the trash can out... that took care of it. Is this what I have to look forward to for the next 20 years? Ugg.
Allright. That was a really uninteresting paragraph. Urine and curtains. That should be my title. So if someone googles urine they come up to my post. Anyway. Moving on.
Today on a break... I discoved a blog called something like "confessions of a bad mother." You could post what you did that made you a bad mother and it was anonamouys. (who really knows how to spell that word?) Thus... I was thinking of what I would confess. Lets see... here goes.
1. I can count on 1 hand the number of times I have given my baby a bath. He has had a few showers... but we were trying to think of the last time we washed him and we couldn't remember. How bad is that?? So I promptly washed him. PS I lotion his head so he always smells good.
2. My kids use my toothbrush. I can't keep track of thier toothbrushes for anything and thus they just use whoevers is around. And the next part of this... I told one of my dearest friends and I think it changed her opinion of me forever.... my kids squeeze the toothpaste out in a drawer... and after cleaning it up for the thousandth time.... I just started swiping from the pile. I know, thats gross. I wonder if the Frugal Girl would approve?
3. I didn't put sunscreen on my children any time for swimming lessons. And we were out for 2 hours a time. I didn't even think about it! Serioulsy I need to hand over my mom card.
But.... heres the thing. A lot of the confessions weren't like mine. Most were plain awful. One was... "I have 8 children and I never hugged them or told them I loved them." Or, "I have playing with my children, its so boring." "My 15 yr old ran away and I don't want her back." Yikes. I expected light hearted confessions. I wanted to answer each of them. Like go hug your 8 children... what are you waiting for? I don't think I will be visiting that site again. And now I have confessed here so I guess I don't need to!
Shout out to my latest follower. My mom. Note: She could never go to this site because she was/is an amazing mother. She should create a site called "Confessions of an Amazing Mother." How bout it mom? You should totally blog.