Thursday, July 17, 2008

Pants on Fire

Recently, I have read that a child is actually unable to lie until they are in 2nd grade. This is because they don't have the reasoning... they don't have the intelectual capabilty to decern between truth and fiction. I am here to say... whatever. My child is either exceling in deceit... or he has figured out how to lie. This afternoon.... said older child was no where to be found. I hollered to him.... he yelled back "I'm pooping." Fine. Generally I never mess with this particular act. About 15 min later.... same conversation..... same responce. I decide to check matter out for myself..... as I know for a fact he has already completed this task for the day (I know this because 4yr olds don't always flush). I go in to the bathroom.... and he has knife and is cutting off the tops of Crystal light to go packets and pouring them in his mouth. Why? WHY?? Is this fun? I go to administer punishment.... Biblical Chastisement if you will.... and he says... "No mom, you are not going to do that right now." What? Where is my sweet little claydoh and who has replaced him with this mouthy child? He does however tell me that he lied to me.... which is a start right??


Krulls in Haiti said...

I love reading your blog!

Linny Jane Vintage said...

Oh man - sweet little Clay - a liar? I don't believe it. I still think everything he does is cute though.

eva said...

Mikie- I've missed you! I was laughing so hard and some of your "ranch" life entries and Miya kept asking me what was so funny...hard to explain to a four year old but picturing you pulling out a calf was just adorable. We are going to have to come out to visit ya all on the ranch!!!