Sunday, June 27, 2010

A Nearly Perfect Sunday

Sundays might be my favorite day of the week. They are so peaceful around here. Well... as peaceful as any family of boys gets. I guess its our own brand of peaceful. The great day actually started last night....

Date night. We saw Darius Rucker in concert. So fun. It involved standing at the front of the concert singing and jamming with kids approximately 10 years younger than us. Kids spent the night with grandma... but we did stop and get the baby....C3 can't be away from his mama too long. We came home to a quiet house... and jumped on the trampoline in the moonlight. So beautiful out... I love laying on the tramp and watching the stars.

This morning was church. Always a good time. Well for me at least... I got to hold the sleeping baby.... Hubs was in charge of C2 who... is 3 and does not so much sit in church very well. We went out to eat at a new Mexican restaurant. Yumm. We are huge mexican food fans. The boys had horchata which might be the best horchata I've ever had. After lunch... we went to Cody Park which has these little rides for young kids. And they are cheap... and they serve the best ice cream. It really is good old fashioned fun. We rode the carousel 3 times.... leading dad to ask the question... why do little boys like to ride the carousel when we have real horses to ride at home? I sort of feel sorry for the man... not recognizing the joy of amusement park rides.

Tomorrow begins my final week of maternity leave from work... I am soo loving all my free time. Will be happy to get back to my job... 2 days a week only. So hopefully I will still feel like I have a lot of time at home. This week we have swimming lessons, summer reading program at the library, I need to plan C1's birthday party... and get ready for the 4th of July. One of my favorite holidays. It will involve a parade, homemade ice cream, fireworks and friends. Good times!!

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